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Pausing your account

Sometime's you may not need our service for a short while. Here's what you can do if that occurs.

in this section

  • Can I pause or suspend my account?


    We don’t have an account suspension option at this time. You can close the current account and reactivate it when you need it again.


    You can reactivate your account after closing it.

    If reactivating within 6 months from the account closing date, you won’t need a new form 1583.

    If reactivating after 6 months from the account closing date, you’ll need to sign up for a new account and a new address.


  • What is your 30 day risk-free trial offer?

    Try the service for free for 30 days. Sign up and if you don’t like the service, ask for a refund and we’ll refund your membership fee in full, no questions asked. Note: Shipping costs or scanning costs incurred during the trial are not refundable.


  • What do you do with mail that comes to a closed or suspended account?

    USPS regulations require US Global Mail to accept incoming mail sent to an address for 6 months after the date of cancellation. 

    After this period, any mail existing in storage and any new mail items received will be returned to sender and or shredded.